If you’ve ever experienced a good proper hangover you’ll be familiar with waking up with a dry mouth, a thumping headache, feeling lightheaded, and extreme tiredness. If you do manage to get yourself out of bed and onto the lounge, you find basic social interation rather challenging and your concentration level is beyong lacking.

While the previously stated symptoms are typical of a hangover, they’re also the symptoms of severe hydration, which, amongst other things, is what you’re likely experiencing.
Alcohol is a diuretic which means it causes the kidneys to flush out more fluid than normal instead of reabsorbing some back into the body. You may also find that alcohol encourages you to move around a lot more, particularly on the dance floor, therefore you are also losing fluid through sweat, and if you find yourself hugging a toilet bowl sometime during the night, there goes a lot more fluid again.
Another contributing factor for the tiredness and feeling lightheaded can be a drop in blood sugar level. The liver processes alcohol before anything else therefore it can fall behind with its usual duty of regulating your blood sugar level.
So taking this into account, you need rehydrating products, electrolytes, help with regulating blood sugar levels, and natural forms of energy. While fried and salty foods seem like a great start to get you back on track, the salt content may actually make your dehydration worse.
Ingredients such as water, coconut water, unsweetened dairy or plant-based milks, fruits, and vegetables will all increase your fluid intak and assist in rehydration. Products high in potassium such as bananas, coconut water, and avocado may also assist further with rehydration.
Fruit and milk contain carbohydrates that can provide some much needed energy and milk contains protein which can support blood sugar management. Carbohydrates found in vegetables and whole grains can also help support blood sugar management too.
Eggs are also a good protein source. They're loaded with vitamins and minerals and they can help to rid the body of toxins.
Ginger may also help reduce nausea and is an anti-inflammotory which can help ease the symptoms of a hangover.
An easy and quick way to give your body the fuel it needs to recover is by combining several important ingredients together in the form of a large smoothie.
To simplify the above you'll need: 1. A mix of fruits and vegetables for carbohydrates, nutrients, hydration, and energy. 2. A protein source to stabilise blood sugar levels such as an egg or Greek yogurt. 3. Liquid, such as water, coconut water, or milk. 4. Ingredients high in potassium.
5. Avoid artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes as this can make it worse. Use sweet tasting fruit instead
The choice of ingredients for your smoothie is really up to your own preferences and how experimental you like to be, but a couple of ideas for combinations include: ▹Banana, Yogurt, Oats, Milk, Coconut Water, and Peanut Butter.
▹Mango, Banana, Avocado, Egg, Ginger, and Milk.
▹Banana, Mango, Oats, Coconut Water, and Milk.
PLEASE NOTE: This isn't professional medical advice and it's not going to be suitable or effective for everyone.
There’s even a day dedicated to the smoothie! Held on June 21st, it’s quite popular in the US and has been celebrated annually for over 100 years. Many eateries, including Jamba Juice, Smoothie King, and Vitamix take part in the event by offering a variety of deals and specialty once-off smoothie creations.